How Does It Work?
Help us build an inventory of biking routes around the City! Share your favorite rides around Albuquerque and describe some of its key features including the type of route, appropriate users, and level of traffic. We’ll calculate the length, build a map and route profiles, and share them online. Just complete the information below!
This form gathers information about your favorite biking route around Albuquerque. Your submission will help us build an inventory of routes that can be shared with the rest of the community.
Disclaimer: Bike riding does have risks of injury. Bike riders should obey all traffic laws, ride cautiously, within their level of skill and ability and wear a helmet when riding. By participating in in Bike thru Burque Week, bike riders assume all risks of injury. The participant will not look to any entity, person or business connected with creating, promoting, sponsoring this event, including but not limited to the City of Albuquerque and Bohannan Huston, Inc. for any loss or injury that results from participating in any aspect of Burque Week. By registering and/or participating in Burque Week, the biker rider acknowledges that he/she has read and agree to the disclaimer set forth herein.