Log Your Ride Individual Your Name(Required) First Last Your Email(Required) Display Name(Required)Out of the respect of your privacy, we are asking for a Display Name that we can show on the results dashboard instead of your real name. Date of Ride(Required)Only rides from 10-20-24 through 10-27-24 will be accepted. 10-20-2410-21-2410-22-2410-23-2410-24-2410-25-2410-26-2410-27-23Ride Distance (Just give us your best guess)(Required)Please enter the total number of miles in your ride. Ride Location(Required)City, Location (Foothills Trails, Downtown, Nob Hill etc.) Ride Points +1 point per check box. Total will show at bottom of form.This ride was for transportation(+1 point per destination) Work School Shopping Errands Visiting Friends/Family Other (related transportation ride) Business Buddy Points: (+1 point) See a list of sponsors here. This ride was to one of the sponsoring businesses. Beast of Burden Points(+1 point) Carrying: Groceries, Kids, Shopping items, etc. (Spare tubes and water bottles don’t count!) For each day you ride if you carry something on your bike. You're Hot Then You're Cold Points(+1 point) For each day you ride if the temperature is hotter than 75 degrees or colder than 45 degrees. Suffer-Fest Points(+1 point) For your ride if there is 15 mph+ winds. Long Hauler Points(+1 point) For rides over 10 miles. New Horizons Points(+1 point) If the ride was on a route that you have never ridden before. Boarding the Bus Points(+1 point) For taking your bike on the bus. HiddenTotal Ride PointsYou can view total data points from all teams: here.Consent(Required) The information on this form is correct.(Required)CAPTCHA